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September 15th, 2021
Pathology for AI/IT Specialists: Basic Course

Session 1
Norman Zerbe
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Normal Histology and Cytology Essentials
Ignacio Ruz-Caracuel
Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal
Madrid, Spain
Workflow in the Pathology Laboratory
Rasmus Kiehl
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Benign vs. Malignant
Sabine Leh
Haukeland University
Bergen, Norway
Session 2
How Does the Pathologist Arrive at a Diagnosis (Report)?
Johannes Haybäck
Medical University Innsbruck
Introduction to Whole Slide Imaging for AI
David Ameisen
Paris, France
Here you can find the videos from Course 2.2
Best Practices for Your AI Algorithm
Development in Pathology
Simon Graham
University of Warwick
United Kingdom
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